
Thursday 25 October 2018

If you go down to the woods tonight.....

Beware of the Black-eyed boys....

Haven't had time to blog for ages so thought a bit of a 
creepy treat on the run up to 
Remember this cute little chap Gabriel ?
 Well he had an unfortunate accident while
playing in the woods....
 the Doctor tried his best, but
 infections are hard to predict...
Gabriel struggled with the infection
(though some suspected there may have been
other forces at work)
 and he finally succumbed .
Maybe you will see him...
playing in the woods this Halloween
Maybe he will play with you?
enjoy XXX

sharing in the following challenges;


  1. Well that made me smile - very very very dark, but made me smile nonetheless.

  2. Wow! Spooky! Thank you for sharing your project with us at the Crafts Galore Encore “Anything Goes” October Challenge. DT Monika

  3. Too clever, Gina! Love the whole spooky story. :-D Love seeing this entered into our challenge at Crafting with an Attitude this month. Good luck.
    NanaConnie DT

  4. Who wouldn't enjoy playing with that cute, rotten little fella! He is awesome, Gina. And your telling of his story had me roaring. :-D

  5. So perfectly spooky... ready to terrify trick or treaters with tales of accidents, and offers to take them into the woods... creepy!

  6. You are so creative Gina! Gabriel is spooky! The transformation you did, ,WOW! Maybe I will play with him in the day light? LOL!
    (Thanks for your comment on my blog, about the painting! You are a wise woman!)
    Love you! Big Hugs!

  7. Oh he is hella creepy-cute! That's an amazing transformation.

  8. This Is so creepy and I Love It!!! So creative and I love the story. I think I will pass on going in the woods and playing with Gabriel though.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment.

  9. We welcome Gabriel to come and play with us at Dream in Darkness - I heard Elvira is coming too, something tells me these two would have so much fun together. Totally cool transformation on your doll. Thank you for sharing your art at Dream in Darkness.

  10. nice article great post comment information thanks for sharing.
