
Wednesday 13 November 2019

New Year Reboot

So...4 months away from Blogland
 and I was considering just letting the Blog die
 a natural death as I wasn't feeling the need to
post at all.
But death doesn't mean the end of something,
it can also mean I guess I will just 
do a revamp and make this space more just for me
(though visitors are always welcome)
For now I will share some of the art work I 
have been making along with Life Book 2019

 (I totally love this moon Goddess piece)
with Tiare Smith

 (a certain Darkness is needed to see the Stars)
with Tamara Laporte

with Melanie Rivers

 (Inner Anchor)
with Donna Downey

 (Archangel Michael)
with Muriel Stegers

 (Wisdom of the Woods)
with Laly Mille

 and this gorgeous "Self care" art doll
with Tamara Laporte....
to remind me that life can be a joyful place :D
So I will be around to visit folks soon
Stay Safe and Well as the Wheel turns again.

Enjoy XXX


  1. How very very odd. We both rebirthed our blogs on the same day lol. I have just posted. Great minds and all that Gina lol. But WOW OH WOW !! What a freaking awesome artist you are. Oh my god i ADORE your paintings so much, so magical, so beautiful and so perfect. Thats it! never leaving again (tongue in cheek lol ) Love ya, June x

  2. Oh bless you, I have missed your posts, I know other friends who have literally taken their blogs down and I always think that is sad because there is so much of the person tied up in the blog.

    I hope to see you posting again, I do so love to wander along and have a nosey

    Much love


  3. You are an amazing talented lady! You truly are Gina! Not only are you talented, I can feel what you put into your art! Gorgeous! Don't leave blog land, please! Big Hugs!
