Thursday, 26 May 2011

Howling at the moon

Challenge90 at HDH Macabre Mondays, is to design a piece of artwork to be worn as a pendant. I don't have any jewelry making stuff, so I've doodled a piece instead.
The challenge is being sponsored by a company called "Kasket Kustoms: Accessories to DIE for!" (what a cool name :D)
Hope this counts as an entry, cos I'd love to wear it :D XXX


  1. Wow, Gina! Is that ever cool! Sure would make a FAB necklace! Thanks for playing along this week. It's kind of a toughy challenge and this is just inspired. xxD

  2. Now this would make one very cool pendant indeed. x

  3. What an incredible piece! Maybe you should design jewelry! I love the bale and the idea of a huge moonstone in the center is just perfect! I love this!
    Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at HDH!

  4. Great piece Gina, a wonderful sketch. :-) xx

  5. I'd love to wear this, and your hand bale is absolute genius! Thanks very much for playing along with our Necro Neckwear challenge at HDH :D
