Friday, 27 May 2011

A huge mountain to climb...

Well the word Darcy at 52 Pages gave us this week is MOUNTAIN...a large pile similar to...
I thought of all the beautiful mountains and hills in the world, then hit the ground with a thud as I spotted the "mountain" of washing waiting for me on the landing!!
Every morning it greets me as I step out of my bedroom, each morning I shovel it into the laundry basket and wash it away....yet the next day.. it is there again...
I showed this page to my eldest(hoping for a quiet epiphany) and do you know what he said????
"Cool! Those little crumpled clothes look fantastic :) "

No, I didn't crumple him up and stuff him in the basket.....though I did seriously think about it;D
Now blogger is really bugging me cos it won't let me type below the pic, just did it on another post, but not this one so I'm of the craft and calm down :S XXX


  1. Just done 2 loads myself this morning and can empathise with you. Love your washing machine, the crumpled clothes DO look fab and you have odd socks just like my washing. Have a great weekend. :-) xx

  2. oh you are just hilarious! this is stunning. thank you so much for the birthday wishes. i'm dancing alright.. dancing with hubby to see the heart doctor - ugh!

    hugs :)

  3. Lovely to see you the other night at CD, been a long time, you are really funny, I would never think of the mountain of ironing, yet I have the same story as you every day! I love the pile you have built on your card, K x

  4. Gina, this is so darling and quite original!! Love it...Yes, I think that the laundry just grows overnight. don't you? So glad that I follow you. You always make me smile. Hugs XX
