Now I may have posted about this jacket before........but I was reminded about it's existence by Amy's post at
The Butterfly Effect, discussing UN finished art projects.....

I had a whole load of "in process" photo's, starting with the plain cream jacket I bought in a sale

but they got bored and seem to have hidden themselves somewhere in my millions of photos on file........

I still have to add colours, as these dried too pale. I wear a lot of black..., but wanted something a bit different jacket wise. Hubby had to go find 3 darker colours, and came back with black chestnut brown and deep purple spray on fabric paint(thanks for the memory jog Natasha!)

I am thinking of stencilling over it, as well as the splodgy look.....we'll just have to wait and see how it evolves :D XXX
Glad to have helped Gina. :) You actually trust your hubby to do art shopping for you? Mine wouldn't find a thing if it hit him in a head. :) Then he brings home the wrong stuff and instead of me being mad at him for messing up he's the one pissed cause I made him do it. :)) Man! Have fun finishing the jacket. Looks like it's gonna turn out awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteYes! Now *i* want to get out my fabric paints. I SO want to do a jacket now.
ReplyDeleteYikes, even as i type this, i'm trying to think if i have one to paint.
I mean, i have all of this fabric paint - like Boxes of it.... i so need to do a jacket (which i will start and leave unfinished for a really long time....)
and i was Just reminded in typing this
of the suede shoes i started painting in 2008.
i'll finish those too.
i'm getting those out.