Friday, 18 May 2012

All Together Now...."I am Wonderful!!!"

Well this will be a long post, so tea and biccies recommended :D
Face no.18 of my 29 Faces for May is...
 ME :D

(yes my hair is that curly...not a perm)
I hate photo's of ME, but my crazy(but most beauteous) friend AMY, thought it was time we all got together and share ourselves around a bit. It is a fun exercise in being more confident about our own abilities and self image(though I'm not sure she necessarily thought that deeply about it, and I do know she will be reading this:D)
(taking WTJ for a walk in the woods)
So....My name is Gina (short for Georgina), though I was also known as George at school.
I am English, and live in Yorkshire, and am a wee bit eccentric (like you hadn't noticed).
I have 3 manthings....whom I regularly try to loose in the woods, but they keep following me home!
This is where I am sitting right's my corner of the room where I can turn my chair away from the manthings and talk with you lovely beautiful people instead :D
I am addicted to 1930's Crinoline Lady china. This is because my Gran had 1 small plate she used at breakfast..."her plate", and I loved it. It obviously held some special memory for her, but I never thought to ask....NOTE...ALWAYS THINK TO ASK!!!
I love all kinds of crafting, these are a few of the Scrapbooks I have made(many others live elsewhere). I knit, cross-stitch, embroider, make cards and art journal. I also make altered art projects and draw a bit too. And now I have been lured into the world of Mixed Media!!!
I also love poetry, and made a book in which to keep ones I had written myself.
I love making gifts for people, and always try to focus on that person while making their special gift, so that it reflects their personality and taste :D...and I never make copies of personal gifts!! They are always as unique as the person I make them for :D
As to my spiritual beliefs...I have made no secret that, after many years of study, I have chosen to follow my own path. This apparently makes me a Pagan/Wiccan/Witch...(choose which title pleases you best, I have no objection to any of them)
Hubby bought me this paving stone to lay in my garden, and it is aligned correctly. I love the natural world, and have planted many trees in my garden. This stone will be/is surrounded by birch, larch, beech, oak and holly trees, all planted by me :D oh, and there are a few willow and an Alder too :S Only young trees still, but they will grow :D

As part of this "Celebration of Self" we are to give something we made I am giving away...
Pretty Pink Flamingo!
She is a desk faerie I made for myself, and she dances on my desk and watches me work(I love her so much, but I know you will love her too)
And also, this Faux encaustic piece I am making right now(waiting for layers of glossiness to dry)
(it has gold glitter added now and more gloss)
It is a mixed media abstract piece, with many layers of acrylic paint, paper, scrummy foil and sparkley teeny hearts and stars embedded in glossy gel medium...and is totally strokable, and is on thick grey board measuring approx 15cm x 11cm
No requirements, other than you leave me a comment to say hi! (oh and there will be other "stuff" in the package I send), and on the 23rd of May(next Wednesday) I will choose a name out of the hat to send the package of goodies too :D
( I don't do technology well, so you either trust me to pick honestly or you don't...that would be your problem not mine....all you need to believe is that I hate cheats :D)

Hope that wasn't too boring for you, and if you feel empowered to "share" yourself, just pop over to Amy's blog and join in :D Enjoy XXX


  1. I love that you showed where you time I see you on online I will know where you are. :) I love Pretty Pink Flamingo, and I adore the photo of you walking your journal. So much cleverness!!

  2. *hello lovely cleavage!* I mean, um, I love your bad to the bone pic, and my goodness the cleavage... I can't stop, I have an appreciation for boobs and legs.

    I love your corner, and your china, and the eccentricity that makes you perfect in my eyes. I need to walk my journal. Hm, I wonder if I can get a little cart and walk my ancient dictionary ;-)

    I love this post, and what a Pretty Pink Flamingo that is.


    *Goes back and looks at boobs, again*

  3. I too love that you've shown us where you I can picture you as I read.
    That china is lovely...I'd never heard of it before and you're so right..we should always ask!!
    I love your Flamingo and the faux encaustic piece.
    Have a fabulous weekend Gina!
    Hugs xx

  4. Gina I loved this - a small step into your world which has helped me know a little more about you. Loving the tale of your Grandmas china plate and how wonderful that memory has stayed with you. Thanks for letting me see you too now I have a face to your name xx Hugs Janet x

  5. A very personal and interesting post, but in the photo are a bit serious, a smile please ...

    1. I promise I smile all the time :D I just need to concentrate when using technology :D

  6. Poor George, surrounded by manthings. :)) Lol! Thanks for sharing everything. So much fun to get to know you a bit better. :)

  7. Hello Gina! So happy to read about wonderful you! <3

  8. I love your compass stepping stone! Thanks for your comments on my blog. You made me smile! I love your desk fairy! She really is beautiful!

  9. This face is the best!
    Gina George you are a star and it is such a pleasure to know you. You brighten up my days when I read about your art or when you visit my blog!
    Keep it going!!!!

  10. Okay, I have to ask... what is the WTJ?
    Anyways, I'd love to come wander through your woods! It's very important for mental health!
    And that china? Loverly!

    1. WTJ stands for "Wreck This Journal". Being a book lover(hoarder) I felt I had a spiritual requirement to take up the challenge :D

    2. I thought t may be something along those lines!
      (I'm a fellow book hoarder myself)

  11. Love this post Gina, an open and honest account of you and some of your life. Your art is amazing, your drawing and painting are awesome and you sound like one fantastic lady. It is a real pleasure to be a blogging friend.
    Have a great weekend.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  12. Greetings Gina ... I love eccentric folks, perhaps because I'm so very much one myself. Thanks so much for sharing ... your blog revealed who you are and now this post showed more. Love your sense of humor and, of course, as always, you sweet soul. I consider myself a Pagan, the Holy Mother Goddess is my companion and I love the Triple Goddess in all of her aspects.

    Bright Blessings and Happiness to you.

  13. Thanks you for the tremendously kind comments on my blog! I love that we're getting to know each of us better through this, I knew some of the things you mentioned but not all! we have quite a bit in common... i didn't come right out and say it but I pretty much consider myself a witch or pagan as well, just not always sure about it so I don't mention it.Love that you're walking your journal!!!I was going to say more but am starting to forget what I planned to say, guess it comes with getting so OLD! see you around web!

  14. you know what? i saw natasha's comment and i agree - i LOVE that i know where you sit now. i wish i'd thought to do that, it makes me feel like i'm hanging out with you.
    okay. i wanna tell you some stuff i like about you.
    you are not like anyone else i know at all. you are completely utterly your own person.
    you say things that make me think about what things might mean.
    you say things that are so kind that i think you must have an endless supply of patience.
    you occupy your space perfectly. you are gina and there cannot be another person like you anywhere. i'm very honored to know you and i wish i could hang out with you in real life.


    1. Aaaw! Amy!! You know you cost me money right? Cos I have to buy lottery tickets now, so I can win enough for us to live together on our own island :D

  15. A wonderful post, but I especially love seeing your special corner where you are no doubt reading this now. Do you have a cup of tea in a china cup by your side?

    I have a video of me taking my WTJ for a walk so I'm with you on that particular eccentricity. I'm sure your walk was as fun as mine - and caused as many raised eyebrows!!

    Always a pleasure to come-a-visiting :)

  16. Awww Gina you are so loveable!! I love your deadpan humour and that you are so directly in everything you do... I love your art and I am so glad to be your friend on bloggersworld! You have a big place in my heart ♥
    Big hugs from Germany

  17. Fabulous post! I love how you have made your own path- so empowering! I would love your curls- my hair is straight as a board- what little curl I can put into it barely stays. I've never walked my journal but I think I need to do that ASAP!

  18. I need to hang out here more often. you walking the journal is so awesome. and scrummy faux encaustic is so great. you could just send that straight to me and no one be the wiser. I don't know how to do the high-tech random number thingie either.

  19. Gina, you've definitely got "bohemian" down! I love your blog and can't wait to come back and snoop at leisure.

    I collect teacups and saucers, too. Not any specific pattern, just what strikes my fancy. Such great pictures you've posted - I really enjoy looking at them. And if Pretty Pink Flamingo come to live at my house, she'll be well loved!

  20. Gina, great post! So happy to get to know you better ;o) You are such a talented and fun person ;o) I was going to ask what was WTJ is, but I see my question has been answered ;o) I love the woods and I love to see where you sit ;o) Take Care and please enter me into the giveaway ;o)

  21. I laughed hard when I read your post. This is my first time to your blog and I really enjoyed meeting you. I agree that everyone should ASK. I've often started conversations with questions, but seldom asked my grandmother things I should have known before she died.

    Loved your walk with your journal. Looks like you are taking that seriously (grin).

  22. I alway love reading your posts, Gina. You must be a very cool lady! :) Your paving stone surrounded by trees reminds me of something Celtic (I love Celtic mythology).

  23. Like Magaly, I first saw your lovely face....and then your beautiful cleavage....haha! I'd take pictures of them, too, if I had boobs like those :)

    So nice to see you, though...after traveling in the same circles for so long, I feel like I know who "Gina" is so much more now.
    ...and that just makes me happy!

    Hooray for these great Parties that bring us closer together :)

  24. Gina, I LOVED that post! It's great to sneak a peek into the worlds and hearts of other bloggers, particularly those whose artwork work I so admire (yours!). Walking your WTJ is a funny photo, I'd love to have seen the faces of anyone else who walked by you!!

    3 manthings, hahahaha!!


  25. OOOH so beautiful !!! Hope I ll win ;0) because I m a poor little French girl lost in the middle of nowhere haha !!
    Enjoy your day

  26. I loved getting to know you in this post! You have such a fun attitude - love your trying to loose the manthings in the woods, lol.
    Beautiful art and blog, thanks for letting me in, xoxo!

  27. Nice meeting you like this Gina (and I have a face with the name staright away) Love your post, your woods, your WTJ. see you around in Blogland ! xoxo

  28. staright should have been straight of course, I am not the world's bestest type-goat ;)

  29. Gina, I love getting to know you & YES I already had the feeling you may have had one finger in the eccentric basket & the other in the craft & paint box! I love all the comments you leave in virtual reality & you boots & all approach to tackling everything from projects to tree planting with enthusiasm & love... you rock my girl & I love your teacups & the way you try to lose those men on forest walks LOL... So happy to spend this time getting to know you & LOVE that curly hair!!!!

  30. What a great post you made! I almost feel like I know you!!
