Friday, 5 August 2016

Shuffle on!

This weeks prompt at a Dash of Sunny is 
There is a link to a free tarot reading where you just select 3 cards
representing your Past Present and Future
I drew The Lovers/The Fool/The Wheel of Fortune.
I found some copyright free images to make this digital collage..

Choosing my own path

With a Lover from my past I'll run,
Picking flowers beneath the Sun.
Taking risks and having fun,
Until my turn of the wheel is done.

I took these words from the reading as inspiration;
PAST:We give our love to others with ease and without fear,
PRESENT:We believe in Life, and expect our path to be good
 and rewarding.
FUTURE: Accept~take responsibility~move on!
Believe in your own potential.

Enjoy :D XXX


  1. This is absolutely lovely Gina :D such a fantastic presentation with the collage and all :D love the optimism which this poem evokes. Beautifully penned. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support :D :D

    Lots of love,

  2. This is beautiful and is a piece I can quite honestly say "I wish I had written this".

    1. Wow! I am honoured indeed...guess we are just a couple of incorrigible romantics :D

  3. now such gorgeous words are giving us fun...lovely & feeling happy :)

  4. Lovely collage and words to go with it to express the three stages of life xxx

  5. I love the poem - i love even more the idea of shuffling ourselves on in the right direction - easier said than done but not impossible if we want and try to :)

  6. I love how you connected the cards, both with the words and visually.

  7. Taking risks and having fun... sounds like the perfect life!

  8. Words to live by, thanks for the inspiration!

  9. Love your words Gina!!!! Big Hugs!
