Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Fifteen and growing.

Where were you when you were 15? What did you love or hate about the place? Write about the town/city where you spent the 15th year of your life.

(photo taken by my brother in the fields around our small town/village)

When "I" began...

This was the year "I" grew...
Now school was a serious thing.
O'levels and leaving school only months away.
What would I do then?
Teachers wanted me to go to college...
I knew even then that wouldn't happen.
Labourer for a father....
I would leave school and find work to help with the bills.
I had no real plans.
I came from the wrong village.
Maybe I would marry?
The boys had finally started to see me as a girl...
not their mate George.
I was voted "most likely to marry a farmer and have 10 kids".
Didn't sound like a bad plan...
Didn't happen.
I was confident enough to go with the flow...
and felt safe, walking alone
across fields and through woodlands that had watched "me" grow.



  1. I truly suspect those early years defined you as a person, not one that fits the mold and not one willing to accept life as it "is".

  2. You can see the beginning of a quiet sort of confidence - one that didn't have to beat its chest to be noticed. Nice. :)

  3. You can see the beginning of a quiet sort of confidence - one that didn't have to beat its chest to be noticed. Nice. :)

  4. Nice write and love the picture. A field of red flowers. Also, I second what Rommy said. She got it just right.

  5. Ditto what Rommy said. Knowing your circumstances and their limits and you grew anyway! Wonderful!

  6. So your village was in the shadows of OZ! Red flowery filds gave it away!

  7. That first line says it all. You grew... or began to grow into yourself. I can hear a younger Gina in this voice, calling for her future self. Not know exactly what her plan was, but certain of where she was going to go.

  8. A farmer with 10 kids! Wow! I love the way you described everything! A confident young lady ;o)
