Tuesday, 14 April 2015

What's special about April?

List at least 3 activities you truly enjoy doing in April

Dirt under my nails
The first sunny days
Pass by in a haze,
But Spring is a time made for cleaning.
For tidying beds,
Removing dead heads,
And straightening things that are leaning.

So I'm throwing out trash,
And thinning my stash,
Creating with all that I find.
With paint and with pen,
Then I'm searching again.
So many new thoughts in my mind.

But my favourite thing
To be doing each Spring,
Is renewing the Love that I've grown.
For in April we wed,
Made our marital bed.
To have and to hold all my own.

Enjoy :D XXX



  1. I like how there's a very cyclical feel to this - growing, culling and of course love to bind it all.

  2. I like how there's a very cyclical feel to this - growing, culling and of course love to bind it all.

  3. Aw! That's very sweet. I also like the rhyme scheme here. Nice one,Gina. Happy gardening. :-)

  4. I always try removing my "dead heads" while winter still here. I mean, the neighbor can get suspicious if I wait for spring's warmth...

    You know I'm grinning at "thinning my stash", right? Yep, the sense of humor of a teenage boy... it's terrible.

    Love this. But you already knew that. Spring should be about doing the renewing things we love, about giving Her a hand... and space for dirt under our fingernails. ;-)

  5. Love the rhyme pattern! It was such a fun piece. I am especially fond of the first stanza and the line about straightening things that are leaning.

  6. Hello Miss Sunshine! I can imagine the joy you have roaming your magical yard!
    Happy to visit with all that made it over the hideous winter!
    Enjoy your precious life dear heart! The world is brighter and more fun with you in it!

  7. What a joyful poem! From spring cleaning to tilling and planting--we share a lot. But the marriage is the clincher--such a wonderful way to celebrate life!
