Saturday, 28 June 2014


*tearing out less hair now* burgled last weekend. They nicked my laptop so I was not a happy bunny :(. Has new one now, but got locked out of blogger lol. Apparently I changed my email on there(here) at some was hubby trying to use my puter to access is email the email addy link got changed pfft. Finally got back in though...I is a persistent little blighter :D

Wanting to wish Magaly and her Piano man the happiest of celebrations tomorrow when the finally *tie the knot*

Will catch up on here soon <3 p="">:D XXX


  1. Oh hugs hope, hope you are OK and they didn't get away with too many items. Sorting out passwords etc a royal pain in the!

  2. That is horrible! I hope things get better!

  3. Gina, I am so sorry! What pricks! I hope everyone is ok and I hope they didn't get too many items!
    I was thinking of Magaly and the wedding all day ;o)
    Hugs ;o)

  4. Horrible to be violated like that. Hope all is back in order and you are feeling a little more settled. It does shake you to the core! Take care. xoDonna

  5. Sorry about your laptop, love. I hope the thief doesn't enjoy anything from it *growls*.

    I had you in my heart during the getting-wedded bit. You were bloody awesome! ♥
