Thursday 9 May 2019

Bugs can be beautiful...

How sad am I?...feeling stressed because
we had a break in Life Book 2019 for a
few weeks, I bought another course lol

This was the last class for Term 01
with Pamela Vosseller
 "Seeing Our Light"

The new course I bought is called
and was a limited time bundle to raise
 funds/awareness about climate change.
The first class was by Tamara Laporte called
 Well I may have gotten a little carried away...
 and worked on my "opinion" of 
creepy crawlies...
 AND it was a nice easy exercise
in doodling and watercolour :D
 Even Wasps can be beautiful if
you choose to see them that way!

So now it is time to get back to 
smooshing and scraping painty stuffs
Enjoy XXX


  1. Oh, I love those bugs that you sketched. Awesome. Wish I had more artistic talent.

  2. Carried away? Not one bit! I'm in love with all the colors and wings. And the self-portrait is just hug(able).

    Your course will be back soon...

  3. OK, you did make the wasp quite pretty, even though I can't stand the things in real life. I'm kind of enchanted by the insects. LOL, you make me want to try one of those classes out.

  4. Truly beautiful in every way!!! Loving all your gorgeous pieces!!! Your self portrait is breath taking! Big Hugs!

  5. Bugs are good. Even head lice (when on someone else's head. Though I guess even you drew the line (!) at cockroaches
